Hot Coffee!!!!
Yes, yes, we all know about the hot coffee case. But do you really know the truth? A documentary is in the running at Sundance Film Festival called Hot Coffee , and it explores not only that case but three other lawsuits in which seriously injured people are denied their rights under the current legal system. Many people have no idea how we as Americans are being manipulated by powerful interests, and we are losing our rights to fairness and justice under so-called "tort reform." We are giving away our 7th Amendment rights and we don't even know it. I haven't seen the movie yet, but here's a trailer and discussion: The civil justice system has been under heavy attack for over 25 years. Despite the fact that federal legislation has never been successful, big business interests have won in the hearts and minds of average people. They launched a public relations campaign starting in the mid-80’s and continuing over the last two decades to convince the...